Have you thought about starting seeds for planting out in summer? Now's the time to plan and order so that you can start growing in time for spring! Don't be afraid of seeds... sometimes you can stick them right in the pot along with nursery grown plants and a few weeks later you've got wee little sprouts doing their thing. A good one to try is
scarlet runner bean. Super easy to grow and very forgiving. For another easy pot o' green, try
wheat grass...good for your kitties to nibble! You can also plant up a
strawberry pot with herb seeds and watch for things to start sending up their fragrant first sets of
Hooray, Seester! Bloggie looks great! I would love a stawberry pot and a big pot o' wheat grass for the patio or perhaps the front stoop! How long will the wheat grass grow-- does it have a "cycle" or can you just cut it back and keep it growing when it gets too tall?
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