Life has been exciting and full lately: from learning how to shimmy up a tree (41 vertical feet so far and counting!) to exploring new projects and new partnerships with friends and colleagues. I'm thrilled by it all! Perhaps part of me embracing life at the moment comes from my tendency to embrace change...perhaps even seeking it out sometimes. I make a living out of creating change in fact: as a designer, I'm transforming the land into any number of things: a destination, a refuge, a place for joy and delight. Whatever fantasy a person seeks, that's what I try to achieve with line and shape, plant and flower. We all search for that perfect balance of what we see in our mind and what we can create in our living environment. Sometimes reaching that equilibrium means taking some initial wobbly steps. Sometimes failure slows you down. Ultimately , though, growth comes in again like spring: warmly anticipated, sweet, and full of hope.
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